
Saturday, February 1, 2020

some new resources for 2020

Toward the end of last year, I developed some habits that I was excited to incorporate and bring into the new year. I wanted to share them in case you might find any of them helpful in your own life. :)

1) Daily Audio Bible: I've read through the entire Bible at least twice thus far, but I've recently struggled to get back into a Bible reading plan. At some point last fall I came across the Daily Audio Bible podcast by Brian Hardin. Brian has been recording his daily Bible reading for over 14 years. After reading several passages (Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms & Proverbs), Brian expands upon the context and challenges us to apply it to our lives. This is followed by about 10 minutes of prayer (listeners call in with their prayer requests, encouragement, & comments). I love feeling connected with the body of Christ around the world by praying with them and for them. There is also a DAB app available that has the podcast in many languages and with the option journal and to read along with the recordings. I'm so excited to re-incorporate the Bible into my daily routine!

2) Hello Mornings by Kat Lee: This book introduced how to start my morning with a simple three minute routine: God. Plan. Move. I've incorporated the God element by beginning each day by praying a simple verse: "May the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in You. Show me the way that I should go, for to You I entrust my life." (Psalm 143:8). This has helped me begin my days with a surrendered heart, focused on God. It's simple enough that I can do it on a regular basis. I've incorporated the Move (or health) element into my mornings by drinking a large glass of lemon water before I do or eat anything else. I hope to eventually add more to each of these areas, but I like that I've started with something simple & easy to incorporate into a daily routine. 

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