This is a busy time for most of my office as we prepare for our gathering in South Africa as well as for the training we'll be holding almost immediately upon our return in October. It has been especially exciting for me to watch how God has provided the finances for me to be able to go to South Africa, often from the most surprising sources! During this time of preparation, I've found it easy to get lost in the busyness, but I've chosen to join my church as they go through a 40-day "wilderness fast," to surrender distractions, comforts, and conveniences in order to experience a greater hunger and thirst for God's presence.
I've chosen to fast from social media (Instagram & Facebook), games on my smartphone, all streaming shows, and purchasing anything that I don't need. I didn't realize how distracted I'd allowed myself to become until I removed these distractions. The timing of this fast seems to be providential, as I can imagine that I'd be relying on distractions instead of prayer to help me get through the stress of preparing for this trip, which will be my first significant international trip in over 10 years! Without these distractions and conveniences, I have enjoyed being mindful and intentional in how I spend my time: reading books, journaling, and pausing before purchasing something. I've found peace in having more time to mentally and spiritually prepare for each day, and I've even been sleeping better (most nights). I'm so grateful that I've had the opportunity to do another season similar to Lent earlier this year. I'm realizing that I would like to incorporate fasting on a more regular basis in order to realign my actions with my desired priorities.
I hope that your habits are aligned with your priorities and if not, that you have a chance to make the needed changes.
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